Help us keep the Wetlands Litter and Dog Waste Free

There are so many ways that you can help us look after Bullock Creek and the Wetlands on Stone Street. Helping us keep the Wetlands free of litter and dog droppings is something we can all do any time we visit.

At the end of last year you may have noticed that the QLDC installed a dog waste box and free dog poo bags outside the Stone St entrance. Unfortunately, the wastebox filled very quickly and began to overflow by the end of January. If you see this happening while you stroll by, just snap a photo of the box and go to on the QLDC website and submit a request for the box to be emptied. Alternatively, just contact Andy 0211075520 or Paul 0210569146 and we’ll get it sorted.

And lastly….if you are walking your dog through the Wetlands, don't forget that they need to be on a leash so you know if they’ve done some business behind a bush! It’s no fun finding doggie “bombs” stuck to your shoes when you’re weeding and planting off the pathways.

FOBC Trust